ICH Publications

Documenting India’s Intangible Cultural Heritage (Published in Hindi)
This manual by Nerupama Y. Modwel, Principal Director, ICH Division of INTACH, and Surajit Sarkar, Video/Documentary filmmaker, is meant as a handbook on documentation. It presents guidelines that INTACH and other ICH collectors have developed for the collection of oral history, folklore, and cultural expressions from community members. The publication encourages individuals and institutions to celebrate, disseminate, and advance the intangible cultural heritage of traditional communities, and record potentially endangered knowledge systems.
Year of publication for the Hindi edition: 2016.

Shadow and Light- A Kaleidoscope of Manipur
This stunningly illustrated coffee table book showcases Manipur in its numerous attributes: its verdant landscapes, its socio-political history, and the intangible cultural milieu of the land. Pradeep Phanjoubam, editor and journalist, traces the historical background and evolving spirit of Manipur, with rich insights offered by a variety of contributors. The book was brought out by Hachette India.
Year of publication: 2016

Eighth Pupul Jayakar Memorial Lecture: Cultural Diplomacy: Leveraging India’s Soft Power
This volume contains the Eighth Pupul Jayakar Memorial Lecture on ‘Cultural Diplomacy: Leveraging India’s Soft Power’ by Shyam Saran, a career diplomat who has served as ambassador to Myanmar, Indonesia, Nepal, and Mauritius. He stresses here on the need for India to utilise its rich and vibrant cultural heritage as a ‘soft power’ and tool for cultural diplomacy.
Year of publication: 2016

Seventh Pupul Jayakar Memorial Lecture: Bringing Old Buildings to Life
This volume contains the Seventh Pupul Jayakar Memorial Lecture on ‘Bringing Old Buildings to Life,’ by Sir Simon Jenkins, a journalist who also served as the chairman of the National Trust of UK. He articulates the efforts that must go into resurrecting the very spirit of old buildings, so that people may identify themselves with heritage in a participatory manner.
Year of publication: 2015

Sixth Pupul Jayakar Memorial Lecture: Revitalizing India’s conservation traditions
This volume has the Sixth Pupul Jayakar Memorial Lecture, ‘Revitalising India’s Conservation Traditions’, by Professor Madhav Gadgil, an eminent ecologist, academic, and writer, who has worked tirelessly on preserving the ecology of India.
Year of publication: 2014